Infinity Loyalty - how a rewards programme shows customers you care

Because Infinity gives you a single view of each customer’s transaction data and numerous earning and reward opportunities, you can offer customers highly personalised experiences that they’ll return for again and again.

Infinity Loyalty’s highlights

  • Give customers many ways to sign up to your programme and share offers across your channels, including point of sale, online, emails, receipts, call centres and your app.

  • Let customers earn or buy points and status levels. Base earning on dollars spent, whether they’re a retail or trade customer, if they buy from a certain product range, department or location - the criteria is up to you.

  • It’s the same with rewards - offer discounts, specific items, bonus points, birthday rewards or anything you like to acknowledge customers and thank them for shopping with you.

  • With API-enabled Infinity Loyalty, information is available in all channels so your both your staff and customers can update membership details and see points and reward balances in an instant.

  • Use Infinity’s reporting capabilities to segment customers, see which rewards offers are working best, and know who’s most engaged with your programme.

Read more about using points and rewards with Infinity Loyalty.